SS Info

Requirements for Social Studies 6

Highland School

Mr. Kilgallen

  1. Bring the following to class each day:

    1. Spiral notebook in color designated for SS

    2. Social Studies folder

    3. Silent reading book of your choice

    4. 2+ blue or black pens (no erasable)

    5. Dry-erase markers

  1. Be on time.  Have a seat right when you get to class and take out your homework or open your notebook to show you are ready to begin

  1. Get to school!  If you are absent, see me about make-up work you missed the first day you return to school.  It is your responsibility to see that work is made up quickly.  If you miss class but are in school (band lesson, …) you are expected to see me and complete any homework/classwork that you missed.  For every day you are absent, you have that many days to make up the work you missed. If you are in school the day a test is announced but absent on the day of the test, you will be expected to take the test immediately upon returning to school.

  1. See me before or after school for assignments missed, to set up extra help sessions, or for information on how you are doing.

  1. Tests will be announced in advance, but quizzes can be given at any time.

  1. Homework is to be done AT HOME, not just before class begins.  Homework will always be checked for completeness, neatness, and effort displayed.  ONE POINT will be deducted from your FINAL AVERAGE for that particular marking period for a missed OR incomplete homework assignment.  However, if you complete every homework assignment for a marking period, 2 points will be added to your final average.  For long-term assignments or projects, your grade will be lowered (one grade lower for each day the assignment is late).

  1. Use your agenda book to write down homework assignments, projects, test dates, etc.  It is an incredible tool to keep you organized and prepare for daily and weekly assignments.  You can also check Google Classroom for assignments and announcements.

  1. All papers are to be headed as follows:

Name (upper left)Date (upper right)

SS (under name) Section (under date)

  1. Keep all work in its appropriate notebook/folder.  STAY ORGANIZED.

  1. Class Rule:  Respect your teacher(s) and classmates.  If you can follow this simple rule, we will have a great year together.




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