Creating a Bibliography

Encyclopedia (print) Works Cited Form

How to cite a website or an online video clip (from Discovery Education or You Tube, etc.)

Author's last name, first name. “Video Title.”  Title of Website. Copyright or Date Published. Internet.  Link. Date accessed.


Smith,Jason.  “Henry Hudson.”  Discovery Education.  2012. Internet.  24 December 2012.

Note: If you cannot locate an author you can leave it blank.


1.       Log into the World Book Web site. 

user name: hilibrary

password: 07432

2.       Click on World Book Student.

3.       Under Research Tools, click on Citation Builder.

 Click on the drop down menu and choose the type of source needed. Then hit submit.     Use your completed Works Cited forms to fill in the boxes.   Be sure to capitalize and spell correctly. NOT ALL BOXES WILL BE FILLED IN.

    Hit Create Citation button.

4.       Copy and paste the MLA format into a Google or Word document you have titled BIBLIOGRAPHY

       Check to make sure that the second line and/or third line, if there are any, are indented. Save the document in your folder.

 5.      After you have created all your citations and copied them into your document, make sure they are in alphabetical order using the FIRST WORD of the citation.  The first word may be the author's last name or part of a title.  Skip a line between each source.

6.      Lastly, make sure your name is on the paper and PRINT.

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